920-867-4888 wegaarts@gmail.com

Wega Arts

At the gerold opera house


This will be our 15th annual festival. Films from all over the world will be screened over four days at the Gerold Opera House in Weyauwega. Our festival also screens many films from Wisconsin as well of the rest of the USA. We have many visiting filmmakers each year to present and discuss their films. We are looking forward to another exciting line up of films for 2025. The schedule will be available in mid October.


The Great Weyauwega Train Derailment Film DVD is now available through Paypal
On March 6, 1996 a train derailed in Weyauwega, Wisconsin forcing the evacuation of the entire town for over two weeks. Burning propane cars threatened to destroy the entire town.Wega Arts has made a film about the memory of the event from the people who were there.

Our Mission

Wega Arts’ core mission is to develop original plays, films, and musicals.

What We Do

Weyauwega International Film Festival November 13-16,2024

Annual festival with films from all over the world. 

Community events

Prom, high school band, Rotary, and weddings all are well served by the beautiful venue.

Theater Workshops

Theater games, playwriting, acting, and stagecraft.

Film Workshops

projects with youth participation as actors and crew. Skills learned are useful paths to innovation and to media careers.

Creating new Theater Film & Musicals

Developing complete new plays, films and musicals.

Preserving the Gerold Opera House

Maintaining the 100 plus year old building and its historical significance to the community.

These events are supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts.